Thanks to everyone who submitted suggestions for the kittens’ names.

had an early front-runner with “Elric” for the white kitten, although , knowing my affinity for Rush, countered nicely with “Syrinx.”

But, the orange kitten was still a challenge. A couple of people said to wait and see what his personality was like before settling on a name – maybe things that he did would suggest a name. The thing that kept bubbling to the surface was his hyperkinesis. He’d bound from place to place, especially on the stairs. He climbed on the couch like he was part spider, but “Spider-Cat” just didn’t seem appropos. I toyed with the name “Ricochet” and Jess seemed to like it.

But we weren’t settled on “Elric” for the white cat. Then ‘s Rush suggestion came back to mind. From there it was a short jump to “Presto.” Jess liked that. One down, one to go. I looked at other titles. Given the orange kitten’s frenetic tendencies, I wanted something fast (No, I didn’t consider “Red Barchetta.”) I came across “Chain Lightning” and figured that it was about as good as it got. A cat named “Chain” would be a little odd, but a cat named “Lightning” we could deal with.

Two cats, same litter.
Two names, same CD.

That worked.

And so, I give you:
