Sunday – 07 January 2007
Today was a good – very relaxed – day.

I didn’t get to sleep in this morning, as I was meeting and some others for brunch at Ruth’s Diner.  “Some” of the “others” were unable to join us, so it wound up being , Fiona and me.  Brunch was good.  We whiled away the time talking about things from religion to news coverage versus human interest stories to what are the problems with reality/feel-good TV shows like Extreme Makeover, The Swan and Extreme Makeover: Home Edition.

After that, I headed to downtown SLC to run a couple of errands… and to check out the local CompUSAirways and Best Buy.  I walked out of both stores empty-handed.  I did see a couple of things that caught my eye, but there wasn’t anything that I couldn’t live without.

On to finish up the networking project at ‘s.  What should have been a proverbial piece of cake wasn’t.  I couldn’t figure out why I was having a problem getting her sister’s computer to install the wireless NIC without trying to do its best impression of an Ourbouros.  I consulted the NIC’s installation guide.  I was following all of the steps.  It should have been working properly.  Then I happened to look at the system requirements for the card.  *sigh*  It requires a Pentium III (or equivalent) system.  That computer was a P-II.  *grblsnrkx*  So, I’m going to take one of my wired NICs over and deal with it that way for the time being.

invited me over when I was done playing tech support.  I went over and hung out for a while.  Aside from the new ep of Makeover: Home, we watched a program on The History Channel called Rome: Engineering an Empire.  It was very cool.  A man named Peter Weller was one of the commentators.  When I first saw him (and his name) on the screen, I wondered if he could possibly be the same man who starred in such movies as Robocop and The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension.  I consulted IMDb.  I mean, really… where else would you go?!  Turns out that the commentator and the actor are one and the same.  Mr. Weller “…holds a Master’s Degree in Roman and Renaissance art” and is a professor at Syracuse University, teaching courses in literature and fine arts.  After that, we watched the new Without a Trace.

Home.  Shower.  Paragon City.  I am now a bubble-and-a-half (roughly 700,000 points, for this level) away from Security Level 49.  Which means that I am that much closer to my Warshade.
Stray Toasters

  • I talked with my mother this afternoon.  All is well on that side of the family tree.
  • Broken Frontier review of All-Star Superman #6
  • 40th Anniversary “Landing Party” Kirk Statue
  • Hiro for Hire – Wizard’s interview with Masi Oka, who plays Hiro Nakamura on NBC’s Heroes
  • Speaking of “…for Hire,” most people know that I’m a fan of Robert B. Parker’s Spenser, as seen on the ABC series Spenser: for Hire and the A&E movies.  I’m currently reading Cold Service, the 32nd book in the Spenser series.  It was during the run of Spenser: for Hire that I first became aware of the man who would become Captain Benjamin Lafayette SiskoAvery Brooks.  I still contend that I am going to be Avery Brooks when I grow up… if I ever manage to grow up.
  • :  You might be interested in this week’s 52 Covers Blog

Goodnight, Moon.
