Thursday : 05 October 2006
Four down, one to go.

Today was a pretty good day… except for the weather. It’s been intermittently raining here in the Land Behind the Zion Curtain. Raining. In fact, when it first started raining this morning, I asked a couple of coworkers: “Isn’t this a high desert plain?” They confirmed that it is. My follow-up question was then: “So, who ordered rain?!” They laughed. The rest of the work day – including the lunchtime workout – was good, too.

Post-work, I took semicolon to pick up his truck. From there, I dropped in to see Perry and the boys. I hung out there and chatted for a while; it was nice to see ’em. Earlier in the week, had invited me over to watch CSI, so I took her up on her offer. Tonight’s episode was… odd. There were four cases, told from the points of views of the victims’ cadavers. Unusual, but nonetheless good.

Stray Toasters

That’s good for now.
