I was in a bit of an off mood last night, so I turned in a little early. It took me a while to nod off, but when I did, it was a decent night’s sleep. I had an odd dream, but I don’t remember details. *shrug*

I woke up at 7:52. Exactly.

I remember this because I looked at the clock when I woke up.

Why did I wake up? The neighbors were moving furniture. Figuratively speaking. “Moving furniture” has become our colloquialism for them having sex because their headboard is against our common wall. And they are apparently… active. VERY active. The board thumps against the wall. A lot. And I can only speculate what their downstairs neighbors (and OUR downstairs neighbors, for that matter) can hear.

This isn’t the first time that we’ve heard them:

  • 3 AM *thump thump thump*
  • 5-something PM (I came home early) *thump thump thump*
  • Other early weekend mornings *thump thump thump*

It’s nice to know that they like each other. But I don’t really need the level of information/detail that they have provided. Especially when I am trying to sleep. Knocking/pounding on the walls doesn’t seem to dissuade them, either. I am sorely tempted to go over and ring their doorbell the next time I am roused from a deep and happy sleep. Or leave them a note suggesting pillows between the bed and the wall. Or something. (And I am open to suggestions.)

In case it wasn’t readily apparent, I was more than a little irritated. Not just because I had been awakened, but also because they woke up Jess… who had to work a different shift (tonight) due to the Columbus Day holiday. I managed to get back to sleep a little later. And no one (nor feline) was harmed.

I woke up in time to watch XME and part of Justice League (which was on that the same time). They introduced another former New Mutant from the comics – Danielle Moonstar, also known as Mirage. And they explained her power in an interesting way. Very well done.

After that, came over to help me suss out the ongoing clusterfuck that has been my SuSE Linux installation. After fighting with it for a bit, he convinced me to switch to a Gentoo distro. I can always build another computer to play with SuSE after I get more than just my feet wet with Linux… While the kernel has been compiling, I have introduced him to the joy that is HALO. I think he’s hooked. Yet another convert…

Tonight is bowling and breakfast. I can take out my pent-up frustration from this morning on inanimate objects other than Covenant forces. Although, that is also a good venting mechanism.

Speaking of which: Back to Covenant extermination.
