After taking Jess to work, I took a keyboard over to . She wasn’t awake, so I had a nice chat with .

I left there and stopped at ‘s parents’ house. They were having a garage sale. I talked with them for a while. Rich gave me a sink and countertop… which will be used in the bathroom-to-be in the basement.

I came home for a bit and didn’t do much. Jess called a little after that and said that she wanted to leave early. We had made plans with Shelley (from Cheers) to pick up a playmate for Sissy after she got off work, so this was a good thing. I picked her up and we were on our way to Shelley’s. I had no idea that she lived on the outer edges of BFE, but we found the house without any problems.

Shelley and Gary’s cats had a litter of five. We were looking for one that would be a good fit with Sissy. Jess had mentioned wanting a white cat; one of the kittens was mostly white when some orange markings, the others were orange (tabby). We brought home two kittens: The white one and an orange one with white on his paws and stomach.

However, almost 12 hours later, we’re not sure what to name them.

Reason #238437 of “Why not to make a post when you are exhausted”
You forget to include important details.

Both of the kittens are male.

We brought them home. Sissy hissed and postured. The kittens seemed pretty nonplussed about the whole thing. We showed them where the litter box and the food were… and they were off.

And so were we.
Bowling (high score: 173) and breakfast were good.

When we got home, the kittens were hiding under the bed until I coaxed them out and Sissy was in another room. We figure that this will go on for a couple of days until they all get used to each other.

NPR Item
All Things Considered: Remembering the Pride of Baltimore

Stray Toasters

I’m sure that there was more that I wanted to add, but it’s almost 5:00 AM. Whatever it was will wait until after I’ve had some sleep.
