Saturday – 05 January 2008
Yep. Lazy Day. And, to quote the Jonathan Coulton song: I Feel Fantastic.

This morning started, as any good Saturday should, with breakfast, coffee and cartoons. Both Legion and The Batman were repeats, but they were good episodes.

City of Heroes
I decided to give Defiant‘s alternate configuration a solid shakedown cruise for a bit this afternoon, so I fired up Windows and City of Heroes. Sweet Mother Mary… *genuflect* Not only did it play City, it played it better, smoother and a little faster than DS9. Even when I cranked up the graphics settings. Yeah, it was that good.

The Hand of Nefer-Tem was invited to join a group for a Level 44 mission. How could I say “No” to that?! The mission went well… even if it was a Council of Thorns mission. In the middle of it, a member of my supergroup asked to join a task force group. I figured,”Why not…?” When the mission was done, I quit the group and logged out.

I logged back in with Corvus Nox, as we were going to do Positron’s Task Force: The Rule of Three, which is geared for Level 10-15 characters. Nox is 17, so I was examplared down to 15, but I didn’t seem to lose access to any of my powers. Talk about an ass-kicker. I knew that the TF would be long; I’ve done a couple of TFs before and they ran a couple or three hours. This one took us over six hours to complete. About an hour or two into it, I noticed that I wasn’t gaining any experience for the missions. Then it dawned on me: Exemplars earn influence and prestige – “money”/credit for personal use or supergroup use, respectively – but they don’t earn experience. *sigh* It would have taken me a long way towards getting him to Level 20. Despite taking MUCH longer than I had planned, I had a good time. And I earned a few badges, as well.

After that, SaraRules and I kicked back with Steph and watched the end of Dante’s Peak. We then decided to start in on Season Three of Coupling. It was great. I will never think of Spider-Man in quite the same way. (Thanks, once again, to Tyranist for allowing us to borrow this.)

And that’s how I spent my summer vacation Saturday.
