Saturday – 09 August 2008
I woke up this morning and took the leisurely path to getting ready. There was another sealed box Secret Invasion tourney at Far West, so I couldn’t be a complete slacker about the morning, however.


I stopped for a frozen pick-me-up on the way to the store. Bonus: It was a free drink.

I got to Far West to find Matt (owner) and Keith (event judge)… and no one else. *sigh* I knew that Chris was out of town, but I expected to find at least a couple of other players there. Oh, well. So, once I again: Win, by default. Whoop-de-damn-doo.

I did play Keith and Matt. We played under the draft rules. I got (yet another) Iron Man and another Cloak and Dagger. I decided that they would be the overall best use of points and went with them as my team. Keith’s team consisted of:

… with whom, he cleaned my clock – it’s amazing what happens when someone mind controls your figure and then proceeds to use them for target practice. Lemme tell you: It ain’t pretty. Iron Man folded more like Tin Foil Man. After that, his team just kind of… beat on Cloak and Dagger. But, I kind of expect that when playing a judge. Or Chris. (The experience is oddly similar.)

Matt and I squared off next. His team consisted of:

Once I got into position, I started picking on Tarantula. Hey, she was the easiest… and the only one I could see, thanks to Morbius and Ms. Skrull’s stealth abilities. *blah* Matt, with some helpful assistance from Keith moved Morbius in to melee range. Fortunately, his attacks missed. Mine didn’t. Scratch one vampire. That just left his all but invisible-to-me tank. Then, the unthinkable happened: Customers came into the store. So, Keith took over for Matt. And then the beatdown resumed. Ms. Skrull took out Iron Man… and then we played a game of cat-and-mouse until she finally felled Cloak and Dagger. So, I effectively lost to Keith twice.

In the process, I learned a couple of things about Duo-Attack and stealth, which should come in handy in the future.

Stray Toasters

  • I talked with the parental units today. Both of them are doing well.
  • I’m almost ready to start putting some of my ‘Clix extras up for auction on eBay
  • By way of : The Amazing Wooden Mirror
  • Spaghetti!

Tonight: Breakfast with the usual suspects.
Tomorrow: Brunch with Shelly and Bill.
