Tonight’s Justice League was good. Very good. We even got to see GL & Hawkgirl on a date… of sorts. It included a snowball fight. And a bar fight that Hawkgirl started and blamed on GL. That made me laugh. It was also nice to see Jonathan and Martha Kent, as Clark took J’onn (Martian Manhunter) home with him for the holidays. There was even a great visual in-joke for fans of the Justice League/Justice League International comic book involving J’onn and Oreo (Choco) cookies. That made me laugh, too.

Bowling was good. Our friend, Patryck, came down for the first time in many moons. Nine games (again) this week; high score – 173.

Breakfast had a good crowd; I think that there were eight of us there. And the group grew from that point. We topped off somewhere around 15, I believe. And the conversation ranged from the book Nigger: The Strange Career of a Troublesome Word to bad dates to politics to political correctness. And many points in-between and LOTS of tangents.

The Big News
From Paul Bremer: “Ladies and gentlemen…..we got him.”

Saddam Hussein was captured. And, there is DNA evidence to confirm his identity. Check your local/Internet news services for more information.

[05:19] : ya think someone woke up dubya?
[05:19] : Probably so.
[05:19] : lol he’s probably jumping up and down in his cowboy hat
[05:19] : “we got the motherfucker! daddy is gonna be so happy…”

And that’s all for tonight.
