Sunday : 06 August 2006

<< Rewind <<
Clitorati had a good turn-out – sixteen people, all-in-all (though not all at the same time). No, make that eighteen… as a couple of people popped in to say “Hi” while they were in the neighborhood. Post-Clitorati dinner was good, too. Among the more amusing points of dinner was watching  double-fist gobs of macaroni and cheese into his mouth… between brain-freezing sips of a virgin strawberry daquiri or margarita.

Saturday was pretty low-key. Lunch with  and the boys at The Mayan and then Law & Order: The Next Generation SVU and a couple of movies.

> Play>
Today, I went to the Park City Arts Festival with and Mr. and Mrs. . We were going to start the day with our traditional brunch at Cisero’s… but they were not offering their brunch today. *blink blink* That probably explains why the restaurant was virtually empty. Oh, well. We ate at The Eating Establishment, instead. The food was good, as was the conversation and the company. I made a joke about whether or not I would see anyone that I knew while in Park City; immediately said “No bet.” After we finished eating, it was time to wander ’round the festival. There were a lot of really good things to look at… and things that I considered buying. Instead, I exercised an amazing amount of fiscal responsibility. *sigh* And, sure enough… I ran into someone that I know.

This evening saw more cleaning of the HALO Command Center. Fun. Oh, man… so much fun. Had it been any more fun, I would have had to have charged myself admission.

The Adventures of Indigo Bolt
I suited up and headed to Paragon City. I joined a couple of teams and took on Crey, the Clockwork, Nemesis, a few members of the Carnival of Shadows, Praetorians (whom I am beginning to dislike as much as Nemesis and Malta). I died a few times, especially against the Praetorians… which didn’t do much to raise my opinion of them.

Tonight, I went a few rounds with more Crey and some Nemesis. Got smacked around a bit. Did some smacking around, too. By the time all was said and done, I was a little more than two-and-a-half bubbles away from Security Level 42.

And… there was rocking out, too.

And this just made me laugh:

Ahhhhhh, refreshing!

And can you say “lawsuit,” boys and girls? This guy’s name was “Scarlet Speedster,” a name usually associated with this guy:

Stray Toasters

And that’s a wrap.
