Early to bed and early to rise makes a man …very sleepy when the alarm goes off. “Early to bed” being a relative term. I went in at 7:00 this morning to be there when a shipment was dropped off. It showed up somewhere around 12:30. Oh, well. On the up side: I got to leave work early.

I also had something of a geek moment today: I made my first Cat 5 cable. We installed a few new computers in the warehouse and one of the cables needed to be replaced… so I had to make the new one. AND IT WORKED!!! There was an almost giddy sense of elation at finding that I had done it correctly without any help. Without anyone else’s help, that is; I looked up the proper wire configuration online. But… I did it!

::: Hoo-AH!!! :::

Song of the Day
We’ll wrap up a cappella Music Week with the original (and in my opinion, “the best”) version of Tom’s Diner, by Suzanne Vega. I like the DNA remix, but it’s better a cappella.

Stray Toasters

  • The weather here has been more than unseasonably warm for the past couple of days. It’s the end of January and it was 60° here. Amazing.
  • There’s some gothic-looking band on Last Call with Carson Daly doing a version of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody. Interesting…
  • I missed Adult Swim tonight, but I did catch an interesting episode of ST: Voyager: Latent Image. It was one of the “moral dilemma” shows, but I liked it.
  • I went out for coffee with my friend, Bryce, tonight. We went to the Saturday night traditional V.I. We were there for three (3) hours! Granted, it’s been a while since we’ve had the chance to sit down and talk… but three hours!!! One of the reasons that we were there for so long was because we started talking “shop.” He does (on a much larger scale) the same thing that I am not doing. It was nice to talk about what I do and get some feedback on things that we can do better or differently. We did also talk about other things: from sci-fi to gaming to football. I had a very good time.

I’d better call it a night now. I’m finally starting to wind down and it might be a good idea to actually get some sleep before going to work tomorning.
