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My team and another group will be moving to a new office in Utah County in the next few weeks. I took a field trip to the site with this morning to take a look at what’s what and what’s where. It knocked a couple of hours out of the standard work day.

After lunch, I ran into Bradford, one of the higher-ups, in the break room. He and someone (one of the young ladies in the office whose name eludes me) were going over things that we would want/need for the south office break room. I caught their conversation as the “someone” asked: “What about a coffee maker? Do they have one?”

At this point I chimed in: “I’m probably the only person in that office who’s going to need a coffee pot.”

They both looked at me, momentarily befuddled. Then, the logic of what I said apparently sunk in: Most of the people (I would even dare say ALL of them) with whom I will be working down there are LDS… and do not drink coffee. You could see the lightbulbs dimly turn on and then flare to life.

I added: “This isn’t to say that I wouldn’t like to have a coffee pot down there.”

The young lady smiled and said: “Maybe we’ll just get a French Press for you.”

Have I mentioned how much I like my workplace lately?