Today started off slowly. Since it was a day off, I didn’t mind that. I woke up a few times this morning, but managed to drift back through the veil into the lands of The Dreaming. I finally made my return to The Waking World somewhere around noon… although I do remember hearing footsteps on the roof a few times before waking up. Apparently, the maintenance staff was doing something up there. *shrug*

I proceeded to do very little with the bulk of the afternoon. Most of my time was spent watching TV, chatting on IRC and AIM, eating Honeycomb® cereal and playing with Sissy the Wonder Kitty. Somewhere around 4, I figured that it would be beneficial to start preparing for Ultimate. I left around 4:40 and headed to the park. No one was there. Apparently, Dave2 had left about :10 minutes before I got there… because no one else showed. Oh well, maybe next week. I called and met her at The Coffee Tree. It was a quaint little place; I had driven past it many times, but never tried it. I’ll definitely go back.

I returned home and made an attempt at fixing the (non-working) network issues. *sigh* It didn’t work… so, I decided to postpone any further attempts until after…

Bowling. and Young Miss Fiona joined us; it was Fiona’s first time bowling and she did rather well. She seemed rather proud of the job that she did and rightfully so! The people on the lane next to us were… hmm… no, let me tackle this from another direction: Some of the people on the lane next to us had no concept of “personal space,” let alone “lane courtesy.” dubbed one of them “Bootylicious,” because when that song came on, the young lady decided to demonstrate to everyone around just how fine and sexy (not to mention: “How good a dancer…”) she was. Oy. When I was later asked to explain what it was about that group that irritated me, the best example that I could think of was: “You know how alcohol makes some people ‘invulnerable,’ while it makes others do things that just make them look stupid? These people were not invulnerable.”

Post-bowling breakfast was also good. Kate (one of our favorite servers) was back at work after a couple of weeks off. , and a friend, and Brad met us at the restaurant. One of the tables in our section noted that we were getting shown a bit of favoritism by the front-end staff… Kate and Shelley (the manager) just said “Yes” and continued about their business. Have I mentioned that it’s really nice to be on good terms with the people there?

When we returned home, I decided to take another look at the network situation. *sigh* Option A: No go. Option B: Nope, that didn’t work either. Options C – H… let’s just say that they were similarly ineffective. A short while later, I had finally stumbled upon a solution that seems to be working rather well. I think that I will leave it alone (for now) and let it run like this until I have more time to look into more permanent solutions.

But, after the following, I’m going to bed.

Quote of the Day
: “My boob thinks it’s Godzilla!”
