Jess, Mary and I went to see Wonderland, starring Val Kilmer. Good movie. It wasn’t what I was expecting… especially when you consider that the movie was focused on the late porn actor John Holmes. It was a little disturbed/disturbing – along the same lines that I think that Kids was disturbing, although not NEARLY as much so. (Translation: It’s not a “feel good” movie, but one that makes you think…)

After the movie, we headed to Salt Lake Coffee Break. met us there. We also had two surprise guests: George and his friend, Tim. Salt Lake City incumbent mayor (and mayoral candidate) Rocky Anderson came in shortly after we arrived; we spent a while trying to figure out if he came to put in a pre-Election Day appearance and shmooze the “young and hip” voters. Although, I didn’t see him pushing himself on anyone; he walked in, got coffee sat down and basically minded his own business… at least as much as politicians ever do.

The ladies and I then headed to Chili’s for dinner and then, it was time to bring the evening to a close. All-in-all, it was a good day.
