Wednesday : 29 March 2006
Today marked exactly one year that I have been at my job. It’s been a good year. I consider myself rather fortunate to have been given the opportunity to work here. I like the company; I like my coworkers (when they aren’t being stupid monkeys). The overall workday wasn’t too bad, either. I realized that I needed to look at another ColdFusion program to try and get my head around what I want to do. So, I spent some time this afternoon inputting that; tomorrow, I will work on converting it from CF to PHP. I also found a rather nifty little utility that converts MicroSquish Access files into MySQL files. Handy thing, that.

Tonight was Stephen’s Last Night in Town Brenda’s last night in town, so I had dinner with ‘s family. Other than that, it’s been a pretty quiet evening… not that dinner was necessarily a boisterous affair.

Stray Toasters

  • At one point this afternoon, I actually looked up “flying toaster” images for an icon for “Stray Toasters.” Surprisingly, there were a fair number of them that were not pictures from the old After Dark screen saver program.
  • “Cracked by an L”
  • Reason #9853762 of “Why I Love ” is: She points me towards some interesting sites. Today, it was a site containing icons with Neil Gaiman quotes. As an added measure, she even threw in this icon:
    …which sparked the following conversation between a coworker and me:

    [10:41] Tommy: ok, then. Where’s the answer? (Or, do I Not want to Know?)
    [10:41] : I guess that MacGuyver would write the effin’ manual… out of the toilet paper tube, toothpaste and a bobby pin.
    [10:44] Tommy: Hmm. I was thinking Mac would use the sharp edge on the end of the wire to carefully separate the cardboard into thin layers, more suitable for bum-cleaning.
    [10:44] : Sure…. after writing the manual. 😀
    [10:44] Tommy: lol
    [10:45] : He’d write the manual, to keep himself occupied, while he was… um… busy.
    [10:45] Tommy: actually, he’s going to use the metal holder to dig a well, and the cardboard tube as piping, thereby having an improvised bidet
    [10:46] : A-HA!
    [10:46] : Quite so.

  • Specs for the upcoming Nintendo Revolution
  • By way of Slashdot: The Man Who Said “No” to Wal-Mart
  • How to clean your ear with a bobby pin
  • I finally got around to watching Ultimate Avengers today. It’s an adaptation of the first story arc from Marvel’s The Ultimates. It wasn’t bad. There were a couple of things about the animation that seemed a little dodgy, but on the whole, I enjoyed it.
  • By way of Dremel 220 Workstation
  • 101 Fabulous Freebies

Quote of the Day

(10:28:39 AM) Dave: who let this guy in here anyway??!?!?
(10:28:58 AM) : That little window in the back room was open.
(10:29:02 AM) : I crawled in through that.
(10:29:42 AM) : or did you.. HOVER?
(10:38:52 AM) : Um… well, kind of… yeah.
(10:39:03 AM) : Like I have amended: It does have it’s uses.
(10:39:22 AM) : Even if it is the second most stupid superpower in the world.
(10:42:19 AM) : bah. i could come up with way more worse super powers than that.
(10:42:34 AM) : did i just use the phrase “way more worse”?
(10:42:35 AM) : sigh.
(10:43:10 AM) : You did.
(10:43:29 AM) : Looks like you require more caffeination.
(10:43:48 AM) : *holds up my cup of frozen mocha goodness*
(10:45:22 AM) : /cry
(11:08:50 AM) Dave: now that’s just cruel…
(11:09:10 AM) Dave: you could have smiled to yerself, taken a sip, and just been done with it, but no….
(11:09:13 AM) Dave: are you hovering again?
(11:10:15 AM) : Of course! DUH!
(11:11:07 AM) : *aims orbiting nuclear missile silo #8 at American Fork*
(11:20:21 AM) Dave: make sure to use the *low yield* this time, Steve, we don’t need another salt lake to the south of us…
(11:20:43 AM) : what is this “low yield” you speak of?
(11:22:49 AM) Dave: um, say, less than a megaton?
(11:23:03 AM) Dave: you heading, er, hovering to yer car yet Rob?
(11:25:01 AM) : baby got an atom bomb. 22 megaton.
(11:29:14 AM) : *exit stage away-from-nuclear-doom*
(11:30:12 AM) Dave: nuclear doom? bah, humbug. that’s just a bunch of dirty-hippie crap. we’d all be better off with a little fallout… make you a man it will!
