It was a pretty relaxing day. I didn’t do much in the morning… because I slept until almost 11:30. Thankfully, the twins didn’t get wound up until somewhere around 9:00… and I was able to get back to sleep without a problem.

Speaking of the twins, they wander all over the house now. It’s not uncommon for them to appear down here. And since I still have a few things strewn around the floor, there are plenty of nooks and crannies for them to explore. And Presto seems to like walking on my desk.

We went to see The Bourne Witch Project… um, The Bourne Supremacy this afternoon. Good movie, bad cinematography – I’m sure that the director had a good concept in his head, but it lost something in translation from “theory” into “practical application.” But, the cinematography was my only real issue with the movie. I thought about something while watching a car chase scene: It reminded me of the 70s/80s chase scenes in James Bond movies.

I watched the FX premiere of Rescue Me, a series that follows Tommy Gavin (adeptly portrayed by Dennis Leary) and members of his NYFD station. It combined drama, comedy and even a bit of pathos… and made it work. Well.

Stray Toasters

  • Tour de Lance VI: Armstrong’s Revenge.
    A world record setting six consecutive Tour victories. Congratulations.

  • First Slate, Microsoft’s online magazine, had the audacity to recommend Mozilla Firefox over Internet Explorer. Now, M$ is in talks to possibly sell Slate.
  • Steel Ball Hitting Sand
  • Name That Candy Bar!
  • She’s a teenager, has four claws and has more than “a little” in common with a certain Canadian mutant with a bad attitude. And she is about to make comic book debut. X-23 (1, 2) appears in Uncanny X-Men #450 and #451, coming in October.
  • The X-Men and the FF? Together? Someone’s about to kiss their own pucker goodbye.
  • Forwarded to me by : This.
  • words words *static* blah blah words
  • Explore the “Dark Underside” of the 100 Acre Wood
  • Not only did the following make me smile, it made me laugh:

    “Save your money and spend it on something that might actually entertain you. Like watching clothes dry at the laundromat.”

    Read the full review (with some spoilers) here.

And that’s a wrap.
