Wednesday : 09 November 05
Today was a good, but busy, day. I spent time helping the “new” guys (coworkers from the other team who just moved into the new office) with a couple of issues. At one point, about mid-afternoon, I wished that I had a pedometer so that I could see just how much walking I had done. Calorie burning? No problem! Despite distractions and interruptions, it was a rather productive day.

Tonight was Call of Cthulhu game night at ‘ place… which I had completely forgotten about until asked me if I had a game tonight. (Gaming schedules have been a little “off” for the past few weeks, so I am cutting myself some slack for having spaced it off.) It was a good session. We fought things. We lost sanity. We saved people. Oh, yeah… and my character took a rifle shot to the shoulder. Again. And came close to seeing the tunnel of light. Again. At this rate, I might actually consider renaming my character “Bullet Magnet.” Fortunately, ‘s character knew first aid and was able to patch me up well enough to survive a trip to the hospital.

Stray Toasters

  • I had a minor epiphany while thumbing through the November 2005 issue of National Geographic Magazine: I’m a bit homesick. I was looking at an article about the Acadia National Forest and saw a picture of the fall foliage and it reminded me of the wooded areas back home. Which reminded me of… home. Both of them. I might have to make an eastward pilgrimage sometime in the next few months.
  • On a related note: I talked with my mother and uncle this afternoon; they were on their respective ways home from Ohio. We had a death in the family last week and they called on their way to airport to tell me that the service was nice and that everything went… as well as can be expected.
  • , proving once again that he is the coolest brother-in-law in the world, sent me this article about IKEA.
  • Gravity-Powered Asteroid Tractor Proposed to Thwart Impact
  • A Slashdotter’s review of City of Villains.
  • How could you not laugh at a comic with a last panel like this one:

  • The 2005 Machinima Film Festival will be held this Saturday, 12 November 05, at the Museum of the Moving Image.
  • Shhh! I’m the King of Forks!

  • “Fox has committed to a pilot for aTerminator-themed TV show… I really don’t have anything (good) to say about this.
  • For those of your participating in NaNoWriMo, how are your stories coming along?
  • I should write something. Anything. Soon.
  • I’ve been tracking the progress of my Phoenix ‘Clix over the past couple of days. Oh, the wonders of the Interweb… It left New York on Monday and left Illinois this evening. I should have it Monday, according to the scheduled delivery date.
  • If you’re a Gen-X’er, the chances are better than average that you’ve seen A Charlie Brown Christmas. And who could forget his pathetic Christmas tree? Apparently, Urban Outfitters didn’t… because they are selling replicas of the tree.
  • “Whoah, hold up – pet rent? What the Hell is ‘pet rent?'”
  • Tonight’s random Wikipedia page: Fawlty Towers

This looks like a good stopping point.
