Thursday – 21 June 2012
As I’ve noted, Diana and Vanessa have hit the “cruising” phase – toddling while holding on to people or things – in their “learning to get around on our own” development. It’s been fun watching them as they explore. On the other hand, both girls have more or less eschewed crawling.

Until today:

Adventure Babies: Diana on the Move
Right-click or ctrl-click this link to download

Diana and Vanessa have both shown a fascination with my watches, to the point of even trying to eat them… while I’m still wearing them. My LEGO watch is particularly attractive to them as it is brightly colored.

This morning, while Diana was cruising around the coffee table, she spotted the LEGO watch. I tossed it to the other side of the room, near the girls’ car seats. A few minutes later, I had to sit Diana down so that I could do something. What I hadn’t counted on was that she would glance around and see the watch… and go after it.  But, she did. With gusto.

Of course, I needed to prove that it wasn’t a fluke happenstance. So, I moved the watch – which didn’t please the little miss – and then moved her. The results:

Diana on the Move – Round 2
Right-click or ctrl-click this link to download

Yep, life around here is about to get even more interesting.