Tuesday: 16 October 2007
The Monday work day ended without any monkey-rifficness. I like days like that.

I came home, after a brief stop at the store to pick up a few things. And I did a whoooole lot of nothing. And I liked it. In fact, about the most productive thing that I’ve done is hang a picture in the dining room. And processed the pictures from Saturday’s bowling excursion, including the ones that Darillyn took.

Then I realized something: I had no idea of what I want for dinner.

Papa Johns to the rescue. Amen. Although, online ordering will be my downfall, I fear. It just makes it too easy. Too, too easy. Point. Click. Wait. Eat. Not only that, it even remembers the last couple of things that you ordered. Hello, Seven Deadly Sins…? Yes, I’d like to call-in an order of Sloth, please. Thank you. Can I get that with a side order of Gluttony? Wonderful. Thanks.

Sleep brought odd dreams. Not “bad,” but they definitely scored at least an 8.3 on the weired-shit-o-meter. I woke up from one of them thinking “Nah… I couldn’t have dreamed that. Not even my head is that screwed up.” But, apparently it is. How bizarre was the dream? It had my dad, two sibs, three coworkers, Ludacris and a couple of Harry Potter characters in it. And that’s just the faces that I remember.

This morning started off with a pleasant surprise: An email from my Godmother. The email was a response to a “Reply-All” that I sent in response to one of my mother’s emails, but I definitely wasn’t expecting this. I haven’t heard from her in a while (and I allowed her to slip off my radar), so this was a wonderful way to start the morning.

Stray Toasters

  • I talked with Adam last night. He originally called to complain about what he thought was the ending of HALO 3. We wound up talking about a few other things, too. He also wished me an early “Happy Birthday,” as he might not be able to call me on my birthday.
  • “Fires burn not so brightly nor as hot. Nor as long.”
  • The Grief That Made Peanuts Good
  • pinged me; we did some abbreviated catching-up.
  • Mind gyms for cognitive fitness
    …which makes me think of:
    Siam’s gonna be the witness
    To the ultimate test of cerebral fitness
  • Timbuk2 – Build your own.
  • By now, the odds are better than even that you’ve seen at least a few pictures of the LEGO® Church. The odds are less likely that you knew (many of) the details about it or its creator/artist. You can read about them here. (And I also like how most people assume that since it’s a LEGO creation, the artist has to be a man. *buzzer* Oh, sorry… wrong answer. Thank you for playing. Here’s some Rice-A-Roni.)
  • Has the Gospel according to Goosie returned?!

Hi-ho, hi-ho and all that.
