I hope that the mothers out there had a happy (and safe and enjoyable) Mother’s Day.

I called my mother, who was in New York this weekend, yesterday. Yes, I did try to reach her today, but I figured – correctly – that it would be an exercise in futility. I did reach my stepmother today, though. It was her – and my brother’s – birthday today, as well. I called him, too. All is well in mid-America.

< < Rewind < <

Yesterday, , Chris, Mary and I were off to see the Wizarrrrrd! went to The Bookshelf. They didn’t have much that I wanted/needed, but I did pick up a piece of MechWarrior plastic crack: Frederick Bo – Shadow Cat II (unique) from the “Fire for Effect” expansion. And the guy working the game counter had fewer social skills than my XBox controller, so that also dimmed my enjoyment of the excursion. Yesterday was also Free Comic Book Day. I think that the way that they handled it was stupid: After you made your purchase, you got to roll two six-sided dice to determine how many of the free books you could get. *blink blink* Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?! THEY didn’t have to pay for them. WE didn’t have to pay for them. So, why in the Nine Hells should you have to roll dice to see how many FREE things you got?! I don’t know whose brainskid that idea was, but they should be taken outside and given a curby.

I also introduced Chris and Mary to HeeBeeGeeBee’s, a store chock full of classic Star Wars, Transformers and G.I. Joe toys from yesteryear. I *think* that they liked it. I base this on the following:

  1. Chris’ eyes got saucer-wide when he saw the wall o’ Star Wars
  2. Mary stopped giving me the evil eye – which, oddly, started about the time that Chris saw the SW toys – when she found their back issues of Marvel’s Ghost Rider

But, maybe it’s just wishful thinking on my part. *shrug*

After leaving my traveling companions, I headed to Dr. Volt’s to pick up two-weeks’ worth of four-color goodness. And the issue of Mnemovore that I neglected to get for Nox. Oddly enough, they knew how FCBD was supposed to work: You could go and get copies of whatever free books you wanted. No dice rolling.

Later in the evening, and I went to Thanksgiving Point (I guess that this would be “Larryland: Antarctica”) to see Kingdom of Heaven. I understand peoples’ comparisons of it to Gladiator, but that didn’t diminish my enjoyment of the film. As an added bonus, Alexander Siddig, probably best known as Dr. Julian Bashir on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, was in it.

Then it was off to breakfast and the trainwreck that is collectively referred to as “The Singles.” There was a heaping passel of ’em there. Fortunately, the group with Dungeon Master, Jr. (imagine the bastard love child of Terry Bradshaw and Dungeon Master, from the old Dungeons & Dragons cartoon) was seated on the far side of the restaurant from us.

> Play >

Today was pretty lazy. I was invited to hear a symphonic concert this morning at 9:30…. but I overslept. That may have been due to the fact that we got home late/early this morning. After I got up and puttered around for a bit, I headed over to ‘s house to help with her computer. That didn’t go so well. So, I’ve brought it back here to see if I can figure out the problem. Aside from the fact that it’s an old motherboard.

Came back home and then it was off to shop and to find something to eat. I finally picked up the Vonage adapter that I’ve been threatening to buy. I’ll probably get it set up tomorrow evening or Tuesday. The main reason for getting it: Since neither of us is fond of Qwaste… I mean “Qworst”… No, that’s not right either… “Qwest” (yeah, that’s the one), we don’t have a land-based phone line. Our house sits in a depression and cell signals are spotty in the house. With the VoiP adapter, we can have a non-Qwaste line that we – and our company – can use… without having to hop up-and-down on one leg, while rubbing our stomachs and doing inhumane contortions.

The rest of the night has been fairly quiet. And that’s good.

Stray Toasters

  • I picked up Legion back issues yesterday. I may try to get the full runs of v2 – v4, as they were all relatively short-lived.
  • I am moving closer and closer to gm’ing a Shadowrun game.
  • “Do you really need respect from a guy wearing a tiger suit rolling around in a giant plastic ball?”

  • Netjuke looks interesting.
  • made a random CD for me. I’m going to listen to it at work tomorrow. Too bad that I don’t have speakers, so that I can “share” it with my coworkers. *shrug* Oh, well. Their loss.
  • Dildo Ninja.
    …which gave birth to the less-specialized Sex-Toy Ninja.
    …which gave a painful, laborious birth to the Troll Dildo Ninja.

  • I need a calendar for my desk at work.
  • : It’s been over an hour and I still haven’t received that email. You might want to check the email address to which you sent it.
  • is off on her European adventure. *jealous*
  • I don’t have a joke for this, but it amused me.
  • Take a look at the trailer for The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
    It’s a 56MB stream/download. I’d recommend broadband. Strongly recommend.

Quote of the Day

, on one of The Singles: “She looks like roadkill.”

I’m way overdue for my trip to the gates of The Dreaming.
