Sunday – 15 April 2007
Last night, I went to the reception for ‘s wedding.  It was a nice gathering. I saw a few people whom I haven’t seen in a long time as well as a number of people from work. All the best to Mr. and Mrs. .

After the reception, I went to breakfast with , Bill and Tiffanie.  Cheers: South is closed for remodeling, so we went to the Cheers where “The Clone” is/was manager; she wasn’t there last night.

When I got home, I finally got around to working on Nefer-Tem’s second costume: Civilian clothes.  And, almost as soon as I walked out if the store, I was asked to join a team.  And I did.  And we whooped some ass.  And it was good.  I’m about a bubble away from Level 23 now.

So far, today has been a warm, sunny and relaxing day in the valley. I started the day by heading to one of the local courses with and hitting the driving range and putting green. It took me a long while to get into the… swing of things (sorry)… but, once I did, it was fun. I had one series of drives that looked and felt really good. Good swing. Solid contact with the ball. Good distance. *sigh* So, if a round of golf is called “a good walk, ruined,” what do you call hitting a bucket of balls on the driving range?

Lunch and back home to hook up with my squad in Battlefield 2142. I don’t know what the deal was, but my connection was lagged to Hell and back. That made playing… difficult and irritating. But, I stuck with it for a while, hoping that it would get better. It didn’t. So, I logged off. I decided to try my hand at poker. That went a little better. I was playing with a bunch of yahoos who liked to go all-in with craptacular hands, so I won a few rather sizable pots.
And now, it’s off… to do some cleaning.  Woo!
