I was chatting with Liz when Coupling came up. Specifically, she mentioned something and I countered with “The Melty Man.” She, never having seen the show, had no idea what I was talking about, so I forwarded her a link to the episode synopsis and this quote from Jeff Murdock:

All of us in our time are visited by the Melty Man… Don’t say his name, Patrick. Don’t even think his name, or he will rise from the shadow dimensions to do his evil work inside your terrified pants.

That reminded me of other Jeff-isms… which, not so oddly, have been collected in a Wikipedia entry.

I just got a call from Land, which included a line that not only ties into the above, but also pretty much qualifies as Quote of the Day-worthy:

Oh, the perspective Ohio gave me… I just went to a Singles’ Ward and I now understand why men masturbate to porn here!

*shakes head and chuckles*