Friday : 16 December 05
Work wasn’t bad and the day moved along rather nicely. I followed up with one of the Team Leads about yesterday’s meeting. He hadn’t talked with his group at that point, but a short while later, an email appeared in my inbox: It informed that team’s members of the procedure changes that I discussed. It made me quite happy.

Clitorati was small and relatively quiet. I think that I broke – or at least severely bent – . It was pretty funny. The look on her face was priceless, if only someone would have had a camera at the ready.

Stray Toasters
I’ll hold off on these until tomorrow.

Quote of the Day

(08:06:00) : Mornin’
(08:06:03) : How goes?
(08:06:17) : i would like to stab people 🙂
