Oy gevalt.
Yesterday wasn’t too bad… until 00:20 before I was ready to leave. It was brought to my attention that there was LOTS “catch-up” to deal with. It was a problem that someone else left. Yay. It was enough of a stress point that I actually needed to call home to vent to one of the parental units. That helped immensely. Last night’s gaming was a good release; it didn’t remove all of the tension, but it got enough of it out of the way for me to regain a good personal balance. I am seriously beginning to dislike Mondays. That’s not a good thing, especially when you consider that Monday Night Football (which starts in a month) is on… that’s right: Monday.

While I still have more to deal with tomorrow, Day One of “Damage Control” is out of the way. I should have feedback on it in the morning – that could be something of a mixed bag. Some of it will be good (at least, I hope that it will…); some might not be so good. *shrug* We shall see…

After work, it was home for a bit and then off to Borders to meet Mary… and harass Jonahs. I took the opportunity to look up details for my next drawing and to blue-line some of the repetitive parts of the piece. I can see that this is going to take a while. A long while. Something odd also happened while we were there: A girl (late teens… maybe) walked up to us, looked at Jonahs and said “I know who you are and I know what you did…” and then walked off.

::: boggle :::
While we are not 100% sure who she was, we have a pretty good idea who put her up to that. And why. *sigh* Oh, to be young and stupid again….

Post-Borders, we headed to Ye Olde Inn of the Village for dinner. Between dinner and talking with Kris and Swanny, we killed almost two hours.

NPR Stories
Talk of the Nation
All Things Considered
The World

Song of the Day

  • The Envoy by Warren Zevon
  • Dirty Laundry by Don Henley

…inspired by a lunchtime conversation with .

Stray Toasters

  • Happy Birthday to my grandmother. The chances that she’ll see this are rather slim… but I’m not going to let that stop me from posting it.
  • A water pipe in one of the ground floor apartments burst yesterday. The rooter service that was called to repair the problem was here most of the day yesterday – from the time that I left for work (around 9:45 AM) until after I got home from work (7:30-ish PM). There was a note on the door this afternoon informing us that the water will be off tomorrow from 8:00 AM until whenever-they-finish… for which they are allowing up to eight (8) hours.
    ::: braincramp :::
    It seems that they had to not only repair the pipe in the apartment, but they have to replace one of the water mains for our building. Yay.
  • It’s amazing how true the adage “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure” is.
  • Paul Harvey. Christopher Guest used to do a great send-up of him on Saturday Night Live in the mid-80s.
  • Integrity and character are important characteristics for the workplace.
  • “In brightest day, in darkest night…”

And now, The Dreaming awaits…
