Wednesday : 08 November 2006
According to the U.S. POPClock Projection, as of 07:11 GMT, the population of the United States is 300,168,152.
According to the World POPClock Projection, as of 07:11 GMT, the population of the world is 6,555,773,020.
The United States has an area of 3,718,965 square miles (9,631,420 sq. km).
The Earth has an area of 196,937,429 square miles (510,065,600 sq. km).
Its orbital circumference is 574,380,430 miles (924.375.700 km), with an average orbital speed of 66.622 miles/hour (107,218 km/h).

Impressive numbers.

If we are only bound by the limits that we put upon ourselves, why is it that none of us can fly?
How high would we fly, if we freed ourselves of our self-imposed limitations?
How fast?
How far?

What is it that we fear?

What is it that I am afraid of?
I’m learning what these things are.
And, one day, I’ll fly.