Thursday : 11 May 2006
Another No Bad News Thursday comes to an end.

<< Rewind <<
Yesterday at work was a good, relatively uneventful day. During lunch, Tommy and I played Magic: the Gathering. We drew the interest of some of our coworkers who were unfamiliar with the game. We also got the attention of some of them who do or did play the game. You could see the look of “Should I bring my cards to work…?” in some of their eyes.

Tommy trounced me in the first game: 30 – 0. Ouch. It wasn’t pretty.

In the second game, my hand was light on mana and had to play a defensive game. I managed to get things on the board while countering and unsummoning his first few spells. *whew* Tommy had a couple of creatures against which I couldn’t defend myself, due to their special abilities. Again, it wasn’t pretty. But, I had something that he couldn’t defend against: Flying creatures. Three of which were hard-hitting Mahamoti Djinn. 5/6 creatures. He had me down, 16 – 8 at the beginning of the next-to-last turn. Due to a card that he was using, he inflicted a point of damage on himself at the start of his turn, taking him to 15. He attacked me. I gladly opted not to block those creatures that I could and wound up dropping down to 4 points of life. Great… When he told me that his turn was over, I smiled and said “Game.” He looked at me for a moment. And then it dawned on him: I had three Djinn… flying… each doing 5 points of damage. Game Over. Vindication is a wonderful thing.

After work, I hung out with and introduced her to Undercover Brother. She thought that it was funny.

> Play >
Today was good. Work was uneventful, but productive. The lunchtime workout…? Well, let’s just say that it showed that I haven’t been in the gym in two weeks. Today definitely put the “work” in “workout.” But it was good to get back into the swing of things.

The Nefarious Deeds of Dhoruba
Tonight, I met ‘ character, Giroux, in The Rogue Isles. We headed to Sharkhead Isle and took on Gold Brickers, Luddites and Gremlins (oh my!) Not to mention some disenfranchised miners and dock workers. I died a few times, but the XP debt wasn’t bad and I was in the clear by the time we stopped playing. I didn’t hit Threat Level 12, but I’m oh so close.

The High-Flying Adventures of Indigo Bolt
I headed to Paragon City, to play on the other side of the fence, so to speak. I soloed a couple of missions and was invited to join a team. I had to be careful on the solo missions, but with Sparky’s help, I survived them. The team mission was “save the hostages.” Those aren’t nearly as bad as the “escort the hostages to safety” missions. There were seven of us on the team; the mission went fairly quickly.

And by the end of the team mission, I hit Security Level 34. Booyah. It’s not a power level; it’s an enhancement level. But, it was still an increase. *nod* Next stop, Level 35. And it’s only 560,000 points away. Before leaving Paragon City, I made a stop at the Icon shop in Steel Canyon. It was time for a minor change in my look. (Again.) I got rid of the shades in my primary costume. Instead, I went with glowing eyes… like I have with my third costume.

Stray Toasters
Not tonight. Check back later.
