Tuesday – 26 January 2010
This morning started… oddly. I woke up a little before the alarm went off, so I was able to catch it before it started blaring. That, in and of itself, wasn’t so bad. I laid in bed for a few minutes and nodded off again. I had a dream about being at work and in some sort of meeting. Joking around with one of my coworkers, I elbowed him in the ribs – much harder than I’d planned – and apparently cracked a couple of his ribs. Odd. Very odd, indeed. Especially since (at least when I’m awake) I like this coworker. I woke up shortly thereafter… and it was a rather disconcerting way to kick off the morning.

Hopefully, it’s not a portent of how the rest of the day will be…

Stray Toasters

Maybe that dream was an omen: I found out – ten minutes after it started – that I was missing a meeting that I was supposed to attend. *grblsnrkx* Although, I do have the defense of: I never received notification of said meeting and thus didn’t have it on my calendar. I didn’t miss too much, but it was still annoying.

Right on to the friction of the day…
