Today was a *blah* day. I came home at 3 and hung out with the Sissy and the twins. And took a nap. At least, I tried to – sleep was intermittent.

The nap was good, considering that I didn’t get to bed until 4:00 this morning… and couldn’t get to sleep until nearly 5:00, thanks to the Lightning. He decided that 4:15 was the perfect time to start pouncing my legs and feet. This piqued Presto’s curiosity. Of course. Soon the two of them were wrestling. On my legs. Yay. Of the nap, the kits came over and napped with me: Presto was on the seat, next to my right leg; Lightning was on the back of the chair, just above my left shoulder.

And, speaking of Presto: Maybe our joy at the twins’ use of the litter box was a tad premature. Living up to his name, Presto made a gift magically appear. Right before our very eyes. In the family room. We weren’t happy about this. I took him up to the litter box. A short while later, he actually used it. We were happy about that.

I got a call from my father shortly after we got in. He wanted me to relay a message to my mother: Nathan Carter, Chairman of the Department of Fine Arts at Morgan State University died this afternoon. He and my mother had worked together on a few occasions. And beyond that, they were friends. I called mom and gave her the news. She asked if I had called my Godsister (she used to sing in the MSU Choir and I think that Dr. Carter was her advisor) with the news. “No, I haven’t.” So I do. She didn’t know. And it apparently came as a surprise; she took it as well as could be expected. Oy. I find no joy in being the Harbinger of Ill Tidings.

NPR Stories
Talk of the Nation: Debating the Merits of Class Action Lawsuits
Talk of the Nation: A History of Intelligence Failures
Talk of the Nation: Writers’ Views: On War
All Things Considered: Dr. John Celebrates New Orleans on ‘Dis, Dat’ CD
All Things Considered: Air Passenger Screening Program Shelved
All Things Considered: Georgia’s ‘Faster Pastor’ Race

Stray Toasters

  • Celebrity Poker Showdown on Bravo. Tonight’s stars: Ron Livingston, Penn Jillette, Angie Dickinson, Kathy Griffin and Jeff Gordon. It was fun to listen to the table banter. And, I’m picking up more on how to play Texas Hold ’em.
  • The Puttin’ on the Ritz bit with Stewie and Chris on Family Guy made me laugh. So did the riff on Stephen J. Cannell.
  • g0t conspiracy theories? AboveTopSecret does.
  • As if we needed other reasons to goof off at work:
  • Powers of Ten
  • Celiberal: Celebrity Liberal Whine List This was listed as “Pinko Commie Celebrities on Backwash.
  • And, on the other side: Protest Panties
  • Also from BW: Writings on the Stall
  • Qwest’s nuts roasting on an open fire…
  • From The Ad Council: Campaigns that Have Made a Difference
  • It seems as though Jessica Simpson will not be Alison Blaire (Dazzler) in the upcoming X-Men movie, after all.
  • …and McG, who helmed the Charlie’s Angels movies, will not be in the director’s chair for the next Superman movie. Thank God. Brian Singer, director of the X-Men movies, has been mentioned as a possible candidate for the job.
  • As soon as I saw this cover for an upcoming issue of Daredevil, Led Zepplin’s Fool in the Rain started playing in my head. (, if I find out that you had something to do with it, there’ll be Hell Toupee Hell to pay!)
  • Here comes a world o’ hurt…
  • sent this to me this afternoon. It’s an interesting concept.

It’s early and I have to get up later, so I should probably call it a night.
