Despite waking up to the remnants of a light dusting of snow, today was a good day. I was busy, so the day moved quickly. Which is a good thing because I went to sleep far later than I had planned last night. And even a cup of hot, caffeinated goodness wasn’t enough to ward of the tiredness that crept up on me this afternoon. So I decided to combat it with a cup of tea. Earl Grey. Hot. That helped… but it was still something of a struggle.

After work, and I headed to the U of U Hospital to see Allie. When we got there, she wasn’t in her room. I took a guess that she might have been in the library, a couple of floors up. So, we went there and found… that she wasn’t there, either. *boggle* Granted, it’s a good-sized hospital and she could have been anywhere, but those were my best two guesses. We headed back to her room to leave a note. I had barely uncapped the pen when Allie walked in. She had decided to go on walkabout. Hiking, to be specific – the hospital (and the rest of the U of U campus) abuts the Wasatch Mountains. We visited with her for about an hour.

We met and for dinner at Tres Hombres. Dinner was good, as was the company.

Morning Edition: Soldiers Return Home
Talk of the Nation: Scotland’s Sword of Wallace
Day to Day: Slate’s Explainer: Why So Few Baseball Cheerleaders?
All Things Considered: Ohio Marriage Law Hampers Efforts Against Domestic Abuse
All Things Considered: A Visit to the ‘Rejection Show’
All Things Considered: Author Saul Bellow Dies at Age 89

RadioWest: Mondo Utah – An interview with Trent Harris

Stray Toasters
