Wednesday : 14 September 05
All-in-all, it was a good day.

The Wednesday night gaming group got together for our C’hthulu game. No one died, although one character lost a little bit of sanity. And this game is all about staying sane while saving the world from ancient and unspeakable horrors.

The High-Flying Adventures of Indigo Bolt
When I got home, I took a trip to Paragon City to try and work off the 1750 XP debt that I got last night:

I was trying to be a good Samaritan and pull some members of the Tsoo away from a lower-level character. It worked. They left her alone… and came after me. A few of them were my level; most of them were higher than me. I died. On the plus side, the lower-level hero did manage to escape. So, I couldn’t be too upset.

Tonight, I flew around Steel Canyon, Perez Park, Skyway City and Talos Island. I was given a new mission – from a new contact – in Talos, but my head wasn’t in the game, so I decided not to force the issue. Besides, there’s always tomorrow night.

Stray Toasters

I’m tapped.
