Sunday – 03 May 2009
Yesterday was a long day on the road. SaraRules and I drove down to Cedar City for the CPVA Commencement at Southern Utah University. Rachel and Tyler were graduating from the MFA program; Tom’s younger brother, Scott, was graduating from the BA program… and I had completely spaced off the fact that Vince was graduating from the BA program, as well.  It was good to be able to make it down and see everyone. We also saw Mark, who was in  SaraRules’ class and who will be choreographing our first dance. Pictures here.

After the ceremony, we had a late lunch/early dinner at Cafe Orleans with Anne and Dominic, rising second years students in the MFA program. Chicken and Sausage Gumbo and Shrimp Etouffe. Delicious. After eating, we picked up a few things that SaraRules had in storage, got ice cream at the local Dairy Queen and then got on the road back to SLC.

Once we got home, the evening involved a lot of sitting on the sofa. I played a little CoH before calling it a night, too. And, I finally figured out where the Mac client stores screenshots. Thus, I present my new Peacebringer, Khnurn:


Today has been lazy. We watched a special on The History Channel called Comic Book Superheroes Unmasked, which covered the history of comic books. It was rather good. Next were a couple of rounds of a nine-ball pool tournament. And now, the Miami-Atlanta NBA playoffs.

…and in a few minutes, we’re heading out to see X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

Yeah, I’d say it’s a good weekend.