Another Salt Lake Valley Sunday

Thanks to the miracle of modern science (SCIENCE!) that is Day Saving Time – and it’s “saving” not “savings” – we lost an hour of sleep last night. Although, the fact that I stayed up until 6:00 playing online poker might have had something to do with it… But, I made up for that hour by sleeping an (at least) an hour longer than I had planned this morning. From there, the rest of the early afternoon was rather lazy.

When I finally managed to get myself into gear, I went to visit my friend, Allie, at U of U Hospital for a couple of hours. We had a pretty good time. I’m going to try and head over there later this week.

After that, I dropped in to say “Hullo” to . I was going to check out the Dawn of War LAN that he was having. Turns out that it never happened. So, we chatted for a bit.

Home. And pizza. And The Shawshank Redemption. And Kojak. Not the 1973 Telly Savalas Kojak; this was the new-for-2005 Ving Rhames Kojak. It wasn’t bad. And, let’s face it: Ving Rhames is a bad ass, no matter what. I may have a new Sunday night show to watch. Followed that up with a couple of episodes of L&O: SVU. The first one episode was a repeat of the episode that aired on NBC this past Tuesday. I wasn’t aware until recently that USA Network was under the NBC umbrella. Even so, I didn’t expect them to encore episodes on USA so quickly.

I made inroads to dual-head ‘Nine tonight. Unfortunately, I didn’t take a rather important factor into account: The card that I had planned on using as the secondary graphics card was an AGP card. Which means that I couldn’t use it – my primary card is an AGP card. *braincramp* I have two other cards that I can use: One is another AGP card, the other is a PCI card (GOOD!), but it doesn’t give me the resolution that I want (BAD!). I’ll have to consider how I want to proceed from this point.

Stray Toasters

  • I don’t fill out a lot of online quizzes, but I was curious to see how I’d do on the “American Logic Test” that’s been floating around for the past few weeks.

    You scored 23 American Logic Points!
    Out of 27. You actually have some American logic, but hopefully you didn’t cheat…

    My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:

    You scored higher than 95% on American Logic

    Link: The American logic Test written by You4got2Evolve on Ok Cupid

    I took the test once and didn’t look up any answers.

  • Every once in a while, says or does something that makes me chuckle.
  • Attack of the Show” What in the Nine Hells kind of name is that for a tech-related show?!? *sigh* What has G4TV done?
  • By way of Slashdot: Games That Shoot Back
  • I “found” my copy of Smoke and Mirrors. Last week. In Santa Rosa. I had forgotten that I had loaned it to Sandi when she came out here last year. I still need to track down my copy of Batman: Mask of the Phantasm, however.
  • Purple monkey dishwasher!
  • A former coworker returned my copy of Sandman: The Dream Country trade paperback. I had forgotten that I even owned a copy of it, let alone the fact that I had loaned it to her.
  • He say one and one and one is three
  • Side-by-side comparisons of Sin City: the comic vs. the movie

Quote of the Day
While I was at the hospital, I overheard this on the room-to-room intercom:

“Hilda, your man wants to speak to you on the phone… right away.”

After the “Did we just hear what we thought we heard” shock wore off, Allie and I got a good laugh out of it.
