Friday : 12 August 05
Today was a good day, all around. Work. Lunch (Maulday!) Work. Home.

Tonight’s Clitorati was good. and Land put in guest appearances. The conversations were as scattered as usual. And, I even remembered to look for a few books so that I could amass some information about something that I intend to introduce in the Shadowrun game. From there, most of us headed to Cheers: North for a bite to eat. We found out that Karen, our usual bartender/server, will no longer be working at the bar. Which means that she won’t be our server (not to mention our workstations) any longer.

The Ongoing Adventures of Bolty: Novice Superhero at Large
Hover may soon go from “useless superpower” to “new best friend.” Once again, it saved my life. I was getting shot at by some Trolls while trying to clear a mission. was with me for this one. I came close to dying when I hovered straight up. Out of gunfire range. After the Trolls lost interest in me, I floated back down and we finished the mission. By this time I was tired – and it was late – so I called it a night.

Stray Toasters
I talked with the Baltimore parental units today. I had to play relay operator for Rana and : They made it to Italy safely.

Quote of the Day
The video for It’s 5 O’Clock Somewhere rolled through the playlist this afternoon. I still feel a bit weird for liking a modern Country music song. So, I decided to vent (again) on IRC:

(15:05:46) : Dammit.
(15:08:29) : what did you do, Ray?
(15:08:50) : I didn’t do anything….
(15:27:15) : then why the damnit?
(15:28:13) : I’m still feeling twinges of guilt about liking this damned Alan Jackson/Jimmy Buffet song.
(15:28:48) : dude…get over’s been almost a week since you’ve mentioned it…there’s nazi’s that don’t have that much guilt…
(15:29:01) : And that’s why they’re Nazis.
(15:29:14) : Oh, and the whole “join or die” thing.
(15:29:24) : heh
