Saturday : 19 September 05
Today started off rather lazily. Or, more to the point: I slept in until about 10:30. I had considered meeting at the opening of the new Apple Store at The Gateway, but sleep won out. I didn’t too a lot during the late morning, either. As I recall, it mostly involved a lot of sitting around; although I did do some light cleaning.

I headed downtown and stopped in to see , , and BabyArmadillo42. Nyx was heading to the local Wal-Mart Supercenter (“Vortex of Evil”) to pick up a few things, so I tagged along. While there, I saw:

…which almost immediately reminded me of South Park’s Chocolate Salty Balls, which made me laugh.

We left the ‘Mart and headed to the downtown library. I don’t think that I have been there since the Salt Lake Arts Festival. I’ll have to see to it that I get down there more often. We got caffeinated goodness and then wandered around a little. We picked up from work and then headed back to Nyx’ place, to drop her off.

Home for a bit and then off to dinner. First dinner. Or VERY late lunch. Or something. Noodles & Co. They make a decent Pad Thai. Just as I was about to sit down, I got a call from Bill. He was checking to see if we were going to go with him, and Jen to Red Lobster for Endless Shrimp.


I had completely forgotten that he had called me about this earlier in the day. Oh, and look…. here comes the Pad Thai. *sigh* So, we decided to go to Red Lobster, even if it was just to be social.

Post-Noodles and pre-Red Lobster, there was a sidetrip to Fashion Place Mall. I wanted to see if Eddie Bauer had a pair of black relaxed fit jeans in my size. That was a big “No go, Flight.” All that they had – at least, all that seemed to be out – were shades of blue… of which I have plenty. Oh, well. On the “plus” side, that saved me a few dollars. I also made a side-sidetrip into the GameStop. I’m not really sure “why,” though. It’s not like I’m really looking for any new games. Although there is the new Xbox 360… I walked out of the store a few minutes later. Empty-handed. I wound up in the Hallmark store a few minutes later. They had this year’s Christmas ornament selection on display. (Yeah, there’s a diatribe to follow…) One of this year’s Star Trek offerings is none other than Mr. Khan Noonian Singh himself. Yeah, that Khan. Old school, not the plastic-chested Khan of Wrath of Khan fame. I might have to add this to the Sisko and Picard collection.

Red Lobster was… Red Lobster. But, it was good to see Jen, and Bill. I was disappointed that they didn’t have “Pinwheel Shrimp” as one of the selections. Instead, I had a lot of Shrimp Scampi and fried shrimp.

And then, there was breakfast. And people-watching. Wow.

Random Access
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas… everywhere you go.

I’m not fond of this trend of starting the “Christmas season” right after Hallowe’en. One could say that I’m downright Grinch-like in my dislike for it. I seem to recall something in between Hallowe’en and Christmas… I think that it was called “Thanksgiving.” And, if I remember correctly, the “Christmas season” didn’t begin until after Thanksgiving.
After the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.
After the football games.
After the turkey.
…and after the turkey-induced comas.

Unfortunately, Christmas has become the latest victim commercialization. I halfway expect to see a commercial for Kid’s-Uber-Super-Cool-Toy-of-the-Week with an “endorsement” from Buddy Christ® at the end: “That’s right, kids! I died for your sins…. AND so that you could get this cool toy for Christmas!”

*shakes head*

I was actually shocked to see Christmas items on store shelves a few days before Hallowe’en, in some places. And the day after Hallowe’en…? TONS of stores had them out. And it wasn’t just stores. Some of our neighbors broke out the Christmas lights and decorations just after they had packed away their Hallowe’en things. One house, a few doors down, already has tinsel icicles hanging from the rooftop. And Santa (complete with sleigh and reindeer) on the roof. Not to mention the Nativity on the lawn. (Gotta be sure to cover all of the SeculaReligious® bases!) Another neighboring house has an inflatable Santa and an inflatable snowman on the front lawn. And there are others with just lights. So far.

Maybe it’s just me, but wasn’t there a reason that we celebrate – or maybe I should have said “…used to celebrate” – Thanksgiving? More than the hand-print turkey pictures that the grade school kids make, that is. Wasn’t there something behind the whole idea of getting together with friends and family?

Hell. Handbasket. Gasoline drawers. That’s all I’m sayin’.

Stray Toasters

  • I neglected both Cities again today.
  • , I’m sure that you will appreciate this TechTV blooper.
  • If we burn our wings
    Flying too close to the sun
    If the moment of glory
    Is over before it’s begun
    If the dream is won –
    Though everything is lost
    We will pay the price,
    But we will not count the cost

  • I consider myself a sports fan, but this is taking things waaaay too far.
  • “You ate the DIRT, too?!

  • The new season of 24 kicks off on 15 January 06.
  • This week’s guest for Wait Wait… Don’t tell me!‘s “Not My Job” segment was Dan Savage of Savage Love fame.

Quote of the Day
From one of tonight’s IRC conversations:

[23:32] * tinkerbel and ben slap you with a giant purple dildo.
[23:32] : That’s gonna leave a mark.
[23:32] [tinkerbel]: loooooooolllllllllllll
[23:32] : That’s gonna leave a hard-to-explain mark.
[23:32] * tinkerbel falls over
[23:32] [tinkerbel]: AHAHAHHAAHHAAHHAH
[23:32] [tinkerbel]: ew

And with that…
