Another Pleasant Salt Lake Valley Sunday-ay-ay. It was a good day.

It started with a trip to Borders. This was the outcome:

Although it’s not very clear on the picture, it’s based on a photographic piece by Mark Frank. I started it yesterday evening, but only got about 00:30 worth of time in it. It took about… three hours to finish this afternoon. Unfortunately, I can’t find a copy of the original online for comparison. *shrug* I’m happy with it.

After that – and a brief stop at home – it was on to tonight’s movie: Bad Boys II with , , Spydr and Larry. Damn the critics and their “Boys is just bad” reviews: I had fun. Will Smith. Martin Lawrence. Gabrielle Union (Woo!) And, lots of things blowing up. I may get this (and the first Bad Boys) on DVD.

Stray Toasters

  • : You might be interested in this… and the related files.
  • We saw the trailer for S.W.A.T. again tonight. This sparked a (…or “yet another…”) wave of nostalgia. I remember being in Kindergarten and First Grade and running around the school playground pretending to be characters from the show. And, of course, I had to look for a copy of the original series‘ theme song.
  • I watched the premiere of the new Cartoon Network series Teen Titans. It’s based on the DC Comics book of the same name – not the current version, but the one from the mid-80s. The style is based on the ones used in Batman: The Animated Series, Superman: The Animated Series and Justice League… but scaled back a bit. The closest analogy that I can make would be: If JL was anime, then TT is a chibi version of the animation. It was good. And it wasn’t too over-the-top. It doesn’t have the “We have to save the world/galaxy” feel of JL. As the tagline in the trailers said, they are “Fighting for truth, justice… and the last slice of pizza.” And they did a good job of it. I’ll definitely be keeping an eye on this one.

And that’s all there is. Tomorrow, it’s back to the grind. Wahoo.
