Saturday – 06 June 2020
On the television show The West Wing, President Bartlet was famous for uttering the phrase “What’s next?” as he moved from challenge to challenge.

A bit of context that might not be readily apparent from this clip: When The President asks his staff “What’s next?” it’s most often not to just shut them up (or down, in some cases). He does it to move forward, as they have discussed the previous matter, come to a decision and course of action, and he is ready to stop wasting time on that topic and is ready to tackle the next one.

Over the past few day, it’s been amazing to watch as people have come together to speak out and protest against the inequality in our society.

But, and of course there has to be a “but…,” what’s next?

It’s easy to throw a black image block on your social media and say “We stand with you,” or to look at someone and tell them “I’m with you,” but what’s next?

Where do we go from here? How do we ensure that, having overcome inertia, momentum is not lost?

One way is to vote. Are you registered? Do you know where your polling places are? Do you know who your representatives are? Not sure? Find out and take action.

Talk with your friends of color. That’s right: TALK. Engage with them. Create new avenues of communication. Find out what they need. Find out what they hope for. Find out what it is they fear. Do what you can to help.

Support minority businesses. Black. Hispanic. Asian. Indigenous Cultures.

Support businesses who have not just given lip service to “We stand with you,” but who have pledged to make actual change within their corporate structures and who are willing to make financial commitments to organizations that help lift up those who have been downtrodden and ignored for years.

These are not the only options, they’re merely ideas, stepping stones, and jumping-off points.

The rest is up to you.

What’s next?