Tuesday : 15 November 05
The sun decided to put in an appearance today. Too bad it didn’t bring warmer temperatures with it; that would have been nice. Even so, it wasn’t a bad day.

We had a network issue that came up about an hour before I left work today: A system decided that it wanted to broadcast flood the network. Yay! I went around the office asking everyone for their IP addresses, so I could deal with the trouble-causing system. No one had the address that I was looking for. *sigh* But, I found two other systems that were causing similar problems. (That was a good thing.) I finally decided to try something a little different – I went to see if I could do a visual inspection of traffic on the switch. Lo and behold… I saw one port that looked very busy.

So, I unplugged it.

And the flood stopped. (If only it was so easy in HALO…) Having saved the world – or at least the bandwidth – I packed it in and called it a day. Just as I was heading out the door, one of the guys on my team asked if I was still looking for IP addresses. *blink blink* I had already checked his system and cleared him, so I was curious as to why he was asking. He said that he had a second system on the network. Ô.õ I asked what the address was. He told me. It was the system that I was looking for. He was the… third person, out of about thirty-five, that I asked. THIRD!! *sigh* I told him that he was no longer on the network and that we would deal with the rest of the issue tomorrow.

Tonight was Shadowrun night. came over to observe the game; she may join the group. and Dean couldn’t make it tonight (and I was having a severe bout of non-creativity), so I pulled out an old prefab adventure for the rest of the team to go through. They did well. So far. We stopped at the point where they are getting to the main part of their mission. We’ll see how well they do next session.

Stray Toasters

Quote of the Day

Chris: “He must be fighting the forces of boredom!”

I’m tapped. This would be a good place to call it a night.
