Sunday : 01 October 2006
I’m back.

Two days. 2400 miles, split between flying to (2½ hours) and driving back from (18½ hours) Oklahoma (…where the wind comes sweepin’ down the plain!). It was good to see Adam and Chelsea, who are now on their way to California; he reports for duty this week.

Western Kansas + eastern Colorado = LOTS of nothing to see. Unless you are big into agriculture, then it’s a veritable cornucopia of things to pique your interest. Unfortunately, I don’t fall into that category, so it didn’t do much for me. And, I missed seeing a good portion of Kansas – from Salina to Kanorado (and no, I didn’t make that name up) – because it was dark. I kept trying to remember some of the places where I stopped when I drove out here eight years ago. That’s an interesting note: It was eight years ago, to the weekend, that I first made the drive out to Utah. Granted, in ’98, I got here on Saturday night, not Sunday… but I’m not going to quibble over that point.

The drive out of Denver, however, was nice. The foliage was changing colors. The yellows were vibrant on the mountain- and cliffsides. I think that I have confirmed that my favorite color is red – I kept looking for red leaves while driving. I didn’t see any. I saw trees with rust and bronze colored leaves. I even saw a few that were creeping towards orange. But, no reds. I admit that I was more than “a little” disappointed by that.

Stray Toasters
