Wednesday : 11 October 2006
Not a bad midweek.  Not bad at all.  I caught up with for a few minutes this afternoon.  After that, it was off to meet for a cuppa joe.  We went to Borders and chatted a couple of hours away.  Time flies…  Then it was hometime.  came by to drop off a few things; she hung around and we talked for bit.  A little bit after that, I headed to the University Hospital to visit my friend, Allie.  was there when I got there; we watched a few shows on Food Network (which reminded me that I hadn’t had dinner…) and then started watching Mirrormask.  And now, I’m home again.  Jiggity-jig.

Stray Toasters

  • I need to find the power cord (power chord!) and for the 1350.
  •  (There it is…)
  • By way of : Buffalo sentence
  • reddish-blue simian that cleans dinnerware
  • Hey, …. Pirates!
  • Finland, Finland, Finland…
  • I just saw a listing for an upcoming Samurai Jack statue from DC Direct.  That made me think of an article from Dragon Magazine back in… must have been 1987 or ’88… called “Whaddaya mean Jack the Samurai?!” which offered tables for generating traditional Japanese names for the D&D Oriental Adventures setting.
  • By way of SciFi: Bowie Rocks Spongebob
  • *voop*
