Tuesday – 02 January 2007
First work day of the new year. And it wasn’t bad. I was up early this morning… but that didn’t preclude me from enjoying the warmth of the bed for a while, as the iPod played in the background. Then it was up, prep and out the door…

Work wasn’t bad. The lunchtime workout was good, too. Last week, I set a new goal for myself: Being able to consistently bench press 185 lbs for three sets; Wes and Eric are stepping up their weights, too. Today was the first day to try it. We warmed up with 135 lbs. Then I did a set at 185. It wasn’t horrid. After the guys worked through their weights, I did another set at 185. It got a little ragged at the end, but I got all ten in. I only made it through six reps of the third set, but I polished off the last four reps at 135. And I did a “cool down” set at 135. It felt good. Post-gym, Georgia invited me to lunch… so I went. The back half of the work day was a little long, since I stayed to make up for the extra time I took at lunch.

I came home and made a side trip to Paragon City. I teamed up with some members of my Super Group and we went on an AV mission. This was good because I still had roughly 100k of XP debt to work off. I worked off that debt and the debt that I accrued from a painfully stupid death during the mission, too.

Game night. I headed to Chris and ‘s for tonight’s gaming session. Tonight, we were deciding whether to keep the current Robotech game going or to switch to something else that Chris wants to run. The final tally: We’re starting up a new game.  It will be set in the Warhammer 40,000 universe… with zombies.  (All we want to do is eat your brains…)

Stray Toasters
