Thursday : 06 October 05
The day started off with a call to my father to wish him a “Happy Birthday.” I wound up having to call him another… three times, I think… to get some information that I needed about 2/3 of the sibko. He was well and in good spirits.

I also talked with an aunt with whom I haven’t spoken in a few months. I surprised her with the call – a good surprise. It was good to talk with her.

The work day was decent enough. Lunch, rather “gymtime,” was good, too. I decided to try and push myself a little: I benched my body weight. It’s been a long time (“…been a long time, been a long lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time“) since I’ve done that. I only did three reps, but… I did three reps. I consider that something of an accomplishment.

Post-work, I came home, took a side trip to Paragon City and saved the world (or at least a couple of parts of Striga Island). I watched the new episode of CSI… and I have a question for anyone else who might have seen it: When they exhumed the corpse, did it seem as though the coroner took an… “unhealthy interest” in it? Maybe it was just me, but he seemed to give a whole new dimension to the term “morbid curiosity.” Headed to ‘s to take a look at her furnace. Nothing too major. So, we sat and chatted for a bit.

Then, I did something that I haven’t done in a while: I went for a drive. For some reason, I wanted to see stars. Instead of my usual northward trek, I decided to loop south along Bangerter Highway. It was a smooth, easy drive, to the accompaniment of light jazz on the radio. I was shocked at some of the new development in the Riverton/Herriman area. I shouldn’t have been, but I was.

And I may save the world (again) before bedtime. Just like the Powerpuff Girls.

Stray Toasters

Quote of the Day

(15:52:35) : John [co-worker] was talking about Joseph Smith going to…. [a] group… and teaching them something, using their own texts to change their paradigm about…. something or other.
(15:52:40) : However….
(15:52:52) : In my head, it got reparsed as:
(15:53:21) : Joseph Smith went to them and said: “Alright, stop what you’re doing, ’cause I’m about to ruin the image and the style that you’re used to…”
(15:53:34) : I am going to Hell.
(15:53:50) : heh
(15:53:57) : yes. you are. but you will be in good company.
