Tuesday : 31 January 2006
Overall, today was a rather good – and productive – day. We like those. We like them a lot, in fact. This afternoon’s workou was good, too. Near the beginning of my workout, an older woman (in her 50s or 60s) asked me if I could do one-armed push-ups. She had been watching me do dips and leg raises on the Roman chair and said that I looked strong enough to do them. I smiled, thanked her and told her that I should probably try doing them at home first, so that I didn’t fall on my face and embarrass myself in front of everyone at the gym. She laughed at that. But, her comment was a definite ego boost.

After work, I came home and had a difficult time deciding what I wanted for dinner. After due deliberation, I came to a decision: I wanted to cook out. And I did. If any of my neighbors were looking out their windows, I’m sure that they wondered what in the Nine Hells had possessed me to take out the grill in 30-something degree weather. Oh, well. I did… and I liked it! And the steaks were good; I overcooked them a bit, but they were still damned tasty.

I helped with a travel-related problem. Yay for the Interweb and damn IVRs (Interactive Voice Recordings). I showed her how to get around the IVR on Delta Airlines’ telephone system.

Wednesday marks the beginning of Black History Month. I’ll refer you to the “Random Access” section of this post for my thoughts on what you can do to learn more about it.

Stray Toasters

Quote of the Day
From a conversation with :

[12:42] : Hoi, chummer.
[12:43] : i never understood why “chum” meant friend
[12:43] : but hi
[12:43] : “chum” = “bait
[12:43] : yes which is why i don’t understand
[12:43] : “chum” = “bait” = “If we get fucked over, you do know that I can outrun you, don’t you?”
[12:44] : lol are you pulling this out your backside?
[12:44] : *nod*
[12:44] : ah ok. hope it’s not too painful
[12:45] : High-fiber diet and a good laxative. That’s all I’m sayin’.
