Paul (coworker) just came over and told and me that our corporate parent is doing some sort of “cultural awareness week” in September. Julie, one of the executive admins, is being tasked with getting ideas for things to do. Paul came to us to let us know that he’s going to send Julie to and me for ideas.

I asked Paul if he had ANY idea the kind of Hell we could wreak upon this place?

He simply nodded and smiled.

And when he heard some of our immediate ideas, he laughed. A lot.

I told him that giving us something like two months’ lead time is FAR too much time. Then I realized that giving us anything more than a week qualified as “too much time,” as well.

I also mentioned that I was thinking of changing my workstation’s wallpaper to this for that week:

I mentioned the same thing to , who suggested that I should consider using this instead:

EIther way, it’s win-win.

and I tried to ‘splain to Paul that we’re sure that our corporate robot overlords protectors were doing this with the best of intentions… but that they didn’t seem to account for those of us who like to push buttons and break things from the inside. He grinned knowingly and appreciatively at that, too.